Configure Asset Framework Database




1.Create a new AF database. Ensure the service account has at least Read/Write, Read/Write Data and Execute permissions on this database.

Create database and assign permissions.

2.Import the AF Library Templates from the Movus_FitMachine_AFTemplates.xml file that was provided with the Connector installation file.

3.Create the relevant AF Element structure based on the FitMachine Device AF Element Template. For example:

Create AF Element tree.

4.For each element, connect the desired attributes to PI tags where historical data may be stored. These PI tags will need to be created. Ensure that the service account has write permission on these PI tags.

Specify correct PI tag names for each desired attribute.

5.For each element, update the device_id attribute with the correct value from your Movus Cloud account.

Update device_id from Movus Cloud.

6.Set the LastAlarmReceivedTimeStamp and LastDataReceivedTimeStamp values to the date you would like to start retrieving data from, to avoid duplicating data.

Set retrieved time stamps.

7.Ensure the Enabled attribute is set to True, so that the FitMachine Connector Engine will process the element. This may be set to False for elements that do not need to be processed.

Enable the device.


Configuration > Configure Asset Framework Database